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Publisher won't allow me to save a preset

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Everytime I save my finished document as a PDF, the setting for All Pages, will randomly change itself back to Spread. Publisher cannot make its mind up. Sometimes it remembers the last setting I used to save the document as a PDF, sometimes it doesn't. So I thought to combat this I would create a preset. No chance. The box is greyed out.

This appears to be yet another bug in Publisher for the Mac. I just don't understand why the Mac version of Publisher is so error ridden. Are Mac users not real customers to Serif?



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1 hour ago, Ryan Clarke said:

So I thought to combat this I would create a preset. No chance. The box is greyed out.

The preset creation option becomes available whenever you change a setting that can be saved. Sadly Spread/Pages option does not belong to one of them... This sad negligence has been complained for years (since spread-based option is very seldomly used, especially in press-oriented jobs), but it seems this is not very high on developers' list. So it is not a bug, it is a design flaw.

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