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Datei scheint beschädigt

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ich arbeite seit einigen Monaten am Jahrbuch meiner Schule. Am Montag sollte die Datei mit 252Seiten in den Druck gehen. Nun kann ich sie nicht mehr öffnen, das Programm sagt, die Datei sei wahrscheinlich beschädigt. Gestern lief noch alles einwandfrei. Ich habe die Datei auf einer SD-Karte gespeichert, da aufgrund eines Partitionierungsfehlers zu wenig Speicher auf dem Laptop ist. Was kann man da machen? Ich habe noch eine Sicherungsdatei die funktioniert, allerdings fehlen da über 30 Seiten. Das sind einige Tage Arbeit.

Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe

Beste Grüße

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Hi @Kunstlehrer and welcome to the forums.

One thing you can try is to to create a new document and then choose "Document > Add Pages from File". Sometimes if a document is damaged you can still copy pages from it to a new document. If this doesn't work, it is doubtful that the file can be recovered.

Serif recommends saving to your hard drive and not to an external drive because what you have experienced is a known issue when working directly with external drives.

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Hey MikeTo, thanks a lot. I tried a different way. I copied it back from the sd card to my Laptop. After that i could open the file but not save,  than i copied the pages to an older backup. Now, five hours later, i got all my pages etc. back and can hopefully finish my book.

Excuse my poor english;)

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1 hour ago, Kunstlehrer said:

I copied it back from the sd card to my Laptop. After that i could open the file but not save, 

This is an interesting workaround to successfully avoid the error message about an corrupted document.

Now I'm curious if you had placed the images in the .afpub as linked or as embedded? – And, if linked, if the images were also saved on the SD card (or just the .afpub)?

If you still have the affected .afpub: Can you change the linked images in the resource manager from "Linked" to "Embedded" and then try to save? (Embedded images still know their file paths, so you can reset these images from "Embedded" to "Linked".)

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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Hey thomaso,

it´s definetly one way to spend your time in the evening:(

In fact I placed the images as linked. Because there were hundreds of them and I thought It would blow up the Project data. But yes, it is a problem, if you get in trouble with your document.

My problem was, that the laptop, I got from my school, has too little storage and thats why I outsourced some images on the SD-card. So at the end there are some on my laptop and some on the sd-Card.

And thats also the reason why I deleted the damaged file as soon as I managed the problem. But my system  is running at the limit, so I´m sure there will be another problems and I will try out your idea, when there is the opportunity and will post it here.

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