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A very quick hand-trace of my original logo sketch for my upcoming comic Thingies:




First I placed the hand-lettered concept sketch into its own layer. Then, I just made simple pen lines (with a stroke of 30 pt/px) and made each individual stroke the curve I wanted. Next, expanded strokes and added shapes together to form completed letters and then with the "i" letters I did an combine on each one and the letters they overlap. Finally I made the whole word a combined shaped. Added a conical gradient to a layer underneath it all to make sure the combine/compound shape was the way I wanted it. Pretty happy with it. 


BTW, Thingies is about sentient salamanders and I really kept their biology in mind when I made them into "funny animals". Depending on how Affinity Publisher works, I may want to use it to letter my comic rather than ComicLife (which is a fine app, but somewhat limiting in how it can fill shapes with bitmaps and such. 

Mac OS X Catinlina, 2014 iMac, 3.5 Ghz Intel Core i7, Huion Kamvas Pro 22 Graphic Tablet, 16GB RAM, MacOS10.12 || Magic keyboard w/numeric keypad, wireless trackpad, Kengsington Edge Trackball || Flux Capacitor in a secure location


I encourage kids to go ahead and play on my lawn. I mean, how else can I make sure the death-traps work?

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