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Designer on IPad crashes instantly when trying to open a project..

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Hey there,

I was just working on a Project with multiple artboards for different version of a design. When i created the latest artboard and startet working on it, the app just decided at some random point to crash. There where no stutters or anything to warn me before this happening.

I now tried restarting the app + force restarting my IPad Pro to clear the cache etc.. I also have +40GB free storage and my IPad is an IPad Pro 12.9 6.Gen (M2) with 512gb. So a lack of power should not be the problem. But i can‘t open the Project anymore. Everytime i try so, the App crashes immediately. Also trying to export the safefile to open it on a PC/Mac leads to an nearly instant crash.

Losing this project would mean to lose a ton of work and hours.. So is there any fix? I Also tried to reset the App itself regarding different parameters…but seems to have no impact. Also Downloading Affinity Designer 2 gave me no chance to easily import the project from my installed Designer 1 to Designer 2.



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Welcome to the forums @eluz,

Was the file saved externally to your iPad storage as an .afdesign file at any point? If so, are you able to provide us with a copy of the document so we can investigate further and see if it's contents can be recovered? If you do not wish to share it publicly I have provided a private upload link below.


If you don't have the file saved externally see if you're able to save it from 'Live Docs' home screen rather than attempting to open the file and then saving it, there is a small context menu at the bottom right hand corner which will prompt the option to 'Save'.

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