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I find the "initial words" style REALLY useful, but I think there is a slight flaw - the end character is counted as a word, and doesn't get the initial word style unless your max word count is increased by one. 

When I had my word count as 3 I had the following results

This section: a section

And this section: another section

Note how in the second line, the terminating colon isn't bold. 

This introduces subtle layout problems which are easy to miss. 

I think it would be a better experience if the terminating character matched the style of the initial words, rather than being treated as a 'word' all on it's own. 


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I found this interesting. Publisher doesn't include punctuation as part of a word so I can see why it works the way it does but as a result, you can end up with inconsistently styled punctuation:

One two: three four five < terminated by character, colon is styled
One two three four five < terminated by max words, there may or may not be a colon later in the paragraph
One two three: four five < terminated by max words, colon is not styled

I can't think of a workaround for you but I think this is a good feature suggestion. The rule doesn't have to be specific to characters that are End Characters, it could just be that the initial words character style should be applied to trailing punctuation after the max word.

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