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Difficulty loading documents which contain external fonts in Publisher

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I have been encountering issues while using external fonts with Publisher I'd been having success using fonts I have installed and licensed through Adobe's Creative Cloud up until very recently, and I'm still able to use the same fonts elsewhere on my machine, but they've stopped working in Publisher since earlier this month. 

When I load a document my fonts are identified as missing within the preflight panel, even though the fonts in question are installed, loaded, and available both in other applications and as fully rendered options within the text menu. In the past, a simple restart and reload of publisher has been enough to fix this issue when I’ve encountered it.

Edited by Emily.sa
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Here's some additional information with screenshots of the issue as I'm encountering it today. (Things were working smoothly last night, but after reinstalling Publisher and restarting my iPad, the issue has returned.)

In these screenshots, as an example, I've uninstalled all other fonts I've been working with and loaded only the "Lumios Brush" font from Creative Cloud. (Image 1)

Please note in the second screenshot that Publisher is able to appropriately render the font in the font selection menu (Image 2, Note 1), but does not then render the font on the page itself (Image 2, Note 2).

Thank you for your earlier reply, DWright. I appreciate staff looking in to this matter!


1 - View installed Creative Cloud fonts.png2 - Error Rendering CC fonts in Publisher.png

Edited by Emily.Purple
Corrected ordering of inline image attachments.
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