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Affinity Suite: Preflight Check

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Hello everyone,

I'd like to draw your attention to something I've noticed in the Affinity suite regarding the handling of errors and warnings during export.

Currently, if an error or warning is detected on an object, the software systematically issues a message during export, even if the element concerned is not included in the current export.

For example, if you have 9 images on a page in a 20-page document, and only one of the images has insufficient resolution, you will receive a warning message from the preflight, even if you select only one of the other images on the page or try to export another page. This behaviour, while useful in some cases, can become quite repetitive and annoying in a workflow involving piecemeal work on several pages or objects.

The question then arises as to whether a more precise management of alerts, taking into account only the elements concerned by the export, could improve the user experience.

Thank you for your attention, and have a good day!

6 cœurs, 12 processus - Windows 11 pro - 4K - DirectX 12 - Suite universelle Affinity (Affinity  Publisher, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo).

Mais je vous le demande, peut-on imaginer une police sans sérifs ?

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I would welcome that. Sometimes I have the problem where an issue is on a master page rather than a real page. For example, in one of my documents, my master page has a text frame that uses a text field: “Leçon <Running Header>,” and the placeholder overflows the frame. This becomes, for example, “Leçon 12” on an actual page, which has no trouble fitting the space. Since I never export a master page, this suggestion could help avoid that.

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8 minutes ago, garrettm30 said:

I would welcome that. Sometimes I have the problem where an issue is on a master page rather than a real page. For example, in one of my documents, my master page has a text frame that uses a text field: “Leçon <Running Header>,” and the placeholder overflows the frame. This becomes, for example, “Leçon 12” on an actual page, which has no trouble fitting the space. Since I never export a master page, this suggestion could help avoid that.

In the past, if there was a preflight error on a master page, you got a preflight warning for every page with the same error. This was recently changed so now preflight errors on masters are only flagged on the master. In your case, the error occurs only on the master. I know we've previously requested the ability to have masters excluded from Preflight which would be a good solution to your issue.

The problem with the recent fix is that if we excluded masters from preflight, we'd have no way to know there was a spelling error on every page of the document. Perhaps there should be a toggle along the lines of "Flag issues from master pages on <master pages> <document pages> <never>".

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