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The Box Set is hundreds of vector and raster brushes made for Affinity Photo & Designer. Each brush was handmade

using real materials scanned at high resolutions and crafted to simulate real media. I wanted the origin of the brushes to

have a heritage of the materials they are simulating. Scanning pools of watercolor, swatches of paint, and stipples of charcoal

contributed to creating brushes with the same idiosyncratic material magic. My only request is that you take these brushes,

with their clever names, as suggestions. They work superbly out of the box, but I strongly encourage you to adjust the sliders,

rearrange or remove the textures, and discover how they can suit your hand(s).


Make. Discover. Repeat.


Cheers and happy art making,

-Jef (WREN)



For use in Affinity Photo and Designer. The blending brush in the Oil Set is the only one exclusive to Affinity Photo.











Oil Brush Dynamics


Most oil brushes have blending built into pen pressure. With a single brush and hue you can adjust the luminosity of the stroke-

giving it an oily blend. The Brush's color in the example above is the color of the background. A normal pressure gives you the

hue without any lightening or darkening.











For use with Affinity Designer Only. 


Pen & Ink

Charcoal & Graphite







The Box Set




Thanks, Wren … just downloaded the whole set and will start playing this weekend.

I just assume, the brushes work in the Windows Beta version too, so I suggest to make a crosspost or select "windows" as one of your keywords for the topic to get a wider audience. :-)

  • Staff

Thanks, Wren … just downloaded the whole set and will start playing this weekend.

I just assume, the brushes work in the Windows Beta version too, so I suggest to make a crosspost or select "windows" as one of your keywords for the topic to get a wider audience. :-)

...a very good suggestion as, yes, the brushes should definitely work in the Windows version too :)


Woke up this morning to a lot of positivity and delight with my work, I am ecstatic that people are using my brushes and enjoying them!



I can't buy it, it says something about not available in my location.

This could be a problem with your payment method? what's your region so I can submit the problem to Gumroad.



Thanks Paolo! The pigmento collection was a huge inspiration to make my own brushes, they're really great- as is your helpful tutorials on brush design!



Purchased and playing with them right now - thanks, Jef! :D


Thank you so much! and for the shout out on Twitter, I sincerely appreciate it! 



Thanks, Wren … just downloaded the whole set and will start playing this weekend.

I just assume, the brushes work in the Windows Beta version too, so I suggest to make a crosspost or select "windows" as one of your keywords for the topic to get a wider audience. :-)


I am downloading the beta right now to see how well they work on windows, but they should totally work, Thanks for the suggestion- keyword added!


Cheers! :D


An Update to how these brushes function in the windows beta:


It would appear that as of the initial build of the Windows beta, these brushes all function well.


The only caveat is that the width of the brushes default to 2pt-5pt. A vast number of these brushes look and feel better at higher stroke weights (18-30pt). On Mac the brushes default to these higher weights that I set in the brush settings.


These look great except I can't seem to be able to buy them, it keeps saying to check my card information which I did about 10 times.


I'm pretty sure I have enough money on it and I'm able to make online purchases as well since I have used it recently. 


Any ideas what should I do?


Good day! Is there any chance these brushes get their pixel brush versions? Thanks!


Hello! I absolutely will make pixel brushes for both Affinity Designer and Photo. They won't be a 1:1 conversion from the vector brushes, but there will be some overlap for sure.


These look great except I can't seem to be able to buy them, it keeps saying to check my card information which I did about 10 times.


I'm pretty sure I have enough money on it and I'm able to make online purchases as well since I have used it recently. 


Any ideas what should I do?


Hey Jules, 


that is very strange- it could be a technical issue with gumroad or with your bank. Have you tried using paypal as an intermediary?


Hey Jules, 


that is very strange- it could be a technical issue with gumroad or with your bank. Have you tried using paypal as an intermediary?


Yeah, I tried registering for a PayPal but it's not available in my country apparently (as in it only gives me the option to chose from U.S. states and zip codes).


Never mind that, I found the problem. Hopefully I'll be able to get the brushes Monday cause they look amazing, can't wait to try them!


P.S. I want to give back to the community here, so the first 50 people who use the code FIFTY50 should get 50% off the Box set @ checkout.


Thanks, Jef. The code FIFTY50 makes the price drop from $7.99 to $4.99 instead of $3.99, so the discount is 37½% rather than 50%, but I quibble! It's a great resource.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)


Thanks, Jef. The code FIFTY50 makes the price drop from $7.99 to $4.99 instead of $3.99, so the discount is 37½% rather than 50%, but I quibble! It's a great resource.


*fixed, I am horrible at fractions. :)


Yeah, I tried registering for a PayPal but it's not available in my country apparently (as in it only gives me the option to chose from U.S. states and zip codes).

 DM sent.


Just purchased this set...because I'm a sucker for promo codes :) Just starting to play around with Designer from watching tutorials - look forward to learning the brushes as well now too!  Cheers. 


Just purchased this set...because I'm a sucker for promo codes :) Just starting to play around with Designer from watching tutorials - look forward to learning the brushes as well now too! Cheers.

Hey! I'm glad you picked them up! I think you'll really enjoy them while your getting your feet wet with Affinity designer- it's a great app and the community is stellar.


Tried twice to buy these on Paypal but nothing happened after login. After clicking continue the popup closed and returned to your website.

iMac: iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2017)  -   3.4 GHz Intel Core i5   -   8 GB 2400 MHz DDR4  -  Radeon Pro 560 4096 MB 

Windows: Nvidia GTX 960m 4k UHD 2gb ram video (Windows 10 Pro) -  Laptop screen (resolution 3840x2160 magnified 300%)

2nd Monitor: Phillips 226E9Q HD 1920 x 1080 (125%)


Third time lucky :P

iMac: iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2017)  -   3.4 GHz Intel Core i5   -   8 GB 2400 MHz DDR4  -  Radeon Pro 560 4096 MB 

Windows: Nvidia GTX 960m 4k UHD 2gb ram video (Windows 10 Pro) -  Laptop screen (resolution 3840x2160 magnified 300%)

2nd Monitor: Phillips 226E9Q HD 1920 x 1080 (125%)


Third time lucky :P



Excellent! Im sorry you had trouble with paypal, but now you get to enjoy some awesome brushes! Enjoy!


Lovely! I forgot to enter the promo code though! :D Playing with the brushes now! Schedule


I appreciate it! I'm going to take the word "Schedule" as a remarkable compliment :)


Excellent! Im sorry you had trouble with paypal, but now you get to enjoy some awesome brushes! Enjoy!

The brushes are lovely ... I've tried most of them already. Great work.

iMac: iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2017)  -   3.4 GHz Intel Core i5   -   8 GB 2400 MHz DDR4  -  Radeon Pro 560 4096 MB 

Windows: Nvidia GTX 960m 4k UHD 2gb ram video (Windows 10 Pro) -  Laptop screen (resolution 3840x2160 magnified 300%)

2nd Monitor: Phillips 226E9Q HD 1920 x 1080 (125%)


Hello! I absolutely will make pixel brushes for both Affinity Designer and Photo. They won't be a 1:1 conversion from the vector brushes, but there will be some overlap for sure.

Awesome! Just bought it :D, the pixel brushes will be free right? 

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