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Cannot stack fit or cr3 files

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This is a weird problem because I have stacked these types of files many times in Photo2 (I even went back and tried 2.3 and 2.4.1 in addition to the most recent). The error message I get is the images will not align. The pics that won't stack are a very wide field of view (of the Sadr region). I took the pics with a 90mm lens using a Canon R (and asiair). The pics were dithered. I have tried 4 different sets of pics (3 sets of fit files from an asiair and 1 set of CR3s from the camera). None of them will stack. When you look at the pics individually in affinity they all line up perfectly. I even tried stacking with 2 files and they still would not align.

Any ideas how I could problem solve this. It is very perplexing and frustrating (especially given I have done all my stacking with Affinity for 2 years).

BTW I also tested the stacking using Sequator and they all stacked fine.

The files are too large to attach. I could put them in dropbox or something, but would not want to make the link public.


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Thanks for your report & our sincerest apologies for the delayed response here as our team are exceptionally busy due to our current 50% sale & extended trial offer.

I'd like to request a copy of these files for further testing, can you please upload them to the below link for me?


Once uploaded, please reply here to let me know - many thanks in advance :)

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I replied to your email and I think you didn't get it. I posted a couple of days ago.
Dan, No worries about response. I am glad you guys are busy. It is so good to see photoshop having serious competition!
I posted the files to dropbox (pic below). Please note, the CR3 files were made at the same time as the fits files (that's what the asiair does). I sent all the files in case it matters. The Lights 3Full Spec includes 2 files taken before the meridian and 3 after so it would be the hardest case as the files are rotated. All the rest line up.
Before sending this email I tried the CR3 files again and they gave me the same message, failure to stack (the same message I got for all 4 folders).
Just to reiterate, I tried Sequator to stack and had no problems. And, I tried 2 earlier versions of Affinity as well as the current (2.5.3) and same problem, failure to stack.
Hope this gives you what you need. I really was surprised to have this problem. For the last 2 years I have used Photo 2 exclusively to stack except when I do nightscapes of the Milky and have to use Sequator to do the foreground correctly. Maybe one day you will add this capability to Photo 2 to handle foregrounds for nightscapes.
Thanks, Andy
And, here is my comment from today:
Hello again,
I thought I should update you. Last night I shot the NA Nebula. I took 18, 10 minute shots and it included a meridian flip. I also took flats. It stacked fine, but these shots were at 600mm using an asi2600MC pro camera. Everything stacked fine so I am guessing the problems had to do with shooting at 90mm. 
Anyway I look forward to what you learn.
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Our sincerest apologies for the delayed response here @Andy D,

On 8/3/2024 at 12:23 AM, Andy D said:
I replied to your email and I think you didn't get it. I posted a couple of days ago.

I've checked our email system and I've been unable to locate any replies from yourself - though please note the Affinity Forum 'notification' emails are sent from a no-reply address which is not monitored by our team.
You either need to visit the Forums directly to post your response, or email the address affinitysupport@serif.com for our team to see your replies.

On 8/3/2024 at 12:23 AM, Andy D said:

I posted the files to dropbox (pic below)

Unfortunately there are no files uploaded to the provided Dropbox link, and I cannot see any image attached to your reply here. Are you certain these have been successfully uploaded?


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My sincerest apologies for the delayed response here @Andy D as I have been awaiting a response from our experts team internally - I can confirm that we've received your image files.

Our team have confirmed the following:

If your images are failing to align during stacking or failing to stack, this can be due to multiple reasons such as;

  • The dark frames haven't been supplied - causing the alignment to confuse hot pixels with stars and aligning incorrectly due to these.
  • The star detail is too bloated or soft - during stacking there is a "registration" step where star quality is evaluated.
    If Photo can't detect any clear stars to align on, alignment will fail. If it finds what it "thinks" are stars and they're not, the stack might complete but the subs won't be correctly aligned.

If you don't have any dark frames applied, then you should use the Bad Pixel Tool to manually mark all the stuck/hot pixels. This will exclude them from being considered for alignment and should hopefully provide a completed aligned stack result.

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