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I am using still Windows 7 (yes!), with SP1 installed, Direct X11 and Platform-Update installed.

Nevertheless, Affinity installer says "Supported Windows-Version not found".

What else can I do to install Designer and Photo?

Thanx for your help!




Welcome to the forum!
The only thing you can do is to update your Windows Operating system.

The systemrequirements on the productpage clearly says




Affinity Suite v2.5.x - Windows 11 Pro


Thanks for raising this @Micha_A!

Firstly, I've requested with our web team to update the FAQ title page to include 'V1', as this certainly could be clearer.

Secondly, I've logged a bug with our installer team to update this link within the V2 EXE installer - as this shouldn't be pointed to the V1 page at all.

Finally, as mentioned above the V2 apps aren't compatible with Windows 7, our apologies.
If you require a refund for your purchase, please email affinityreturns@serif.com

I hope this helps :)

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