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Why is my 'black' background rectangle actually grey?

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Hi. I've attached a picture. The background rectangle is set to black, but appears as dark grey when I use a black glow on the photo. I want the black glow of the edge of the photo to disappear seamlessly into the black rectangular background. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance!


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I am thinking you have a combination of blacks, what they call a rich black, having all 4 CMYK colors mixed together, and a 100% Black.

Even though you have an RGB on your document. Check what are the colors on the black glow?

another possibility, some monitors do not preview the color correctly, like some Dell monitors, but I assume you are in a Mac or iMac, which should be accurate.

Also, make a PDF and open in Acrobat or Preview and see how the colors of they changes form your document.

I hope any of this helps.

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