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Roland VersaWorks Export

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I use affinity designer to create logos, labels… and stickers.
But I cannot export my creations directly in the printer software , because it misses information for cutting.
It would be great if you could implement export pdf or EPS with the necessary information for the Roland VersaWorks software.
It seems that it just miss some specific information, for recognition of cutting lines.
 %%DocumentCustomColors: (CutContour)

%%CMYKCustomColor: 0 1 0 0 (CutCour)

> 0 1 0 0 (CutContour) findcmykcustomcolor 1 setcustomcolor


Thanks. :) 

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Hi, Everyone

After spending time creating spot colors with CutContour name, and export to VersaWorks finally  i export a PDF file with cut lines that Roland VersaWorks recognize directely from Designer.

The feature i request is already there ?!!!


I apologize  :blink:


Great Job !

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all! 


I'm a new AD user, and I'm testing the beta version for Windows. First of all, I'm very impressed by the software and I will definitely use it for my work from now on.


I too use Roland VersaWorks to create labels, t-shirt, etc. and I wanted to use AD instead of Illustrator. I've encountered the same problem as Macabi, and I've found a solution that works for me.


- First I've creater a Spot colour named CutContour (C 0, M 100, Y 0, K 0);

- The layer with CutContour must be above all the layers;

- The colour space MUST be RGB (I was trying to export the file in CMYK, but it didn't work);

- Than I've exported a PDF (for export) file, leaving the presets untouched.

That's it! 


I apologize for my english, I know that I'm a little bit rusty....but I hope that this post can help the other users with the same problem!



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  • 2 months later...


sorry for late reply, i didn't connect since...  :unsure:

To make CutContour or PerfCutContour in designer :

Create a spot color and name it CutContour or PerfCutContour if you need it, no matter the color.

Export to PDF .

If you have a picture in your design  you can only export in PDF/X-3:2003.

in AD 1.4.3  i can export in RGB or CMJN.


You can have severals Cut path in your document, make sure that the layer with your Cut path is outside and above the group of each design. 


Hope this helps.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 8 months later...

I've used Designer with a Versacamm and it has always worked fine. You need a global spot colour named CutContour and you need make sure that when you export to PDF you click the More/Honour spot colours. As always with Versaworks this won't work if the artwork contains any transparency.

Windows 10 Pro, I5 3.3G PC 16G RAM

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Hi Guys, 

I have converted the color palette to .ase and imported to AD now , I have all spot colors available, from Roland Color System, CutContour and Roland Metallic Color System.

Thanks for the tips exporting to pdf, I mostly use eps when I use illustrator, Im testing this software and I can tell is promising, I will stick as much as possible with AD.

On illustrator I use many plugins from Astute Graphics I really wish to have the same options here, they really empower AI.

If anybody need the .ase color palettes here you can get them, Please let me know if they work as expected.

This is how you add them... see image capture.




Roland CutContour.afpalette

Roland Color System Library.afpalette

Roland Basic Colors.afpalette

Roland Metallic Color System.afpalette

Roland Metallic Color.afpalette

Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 3.18.23 PM.png

Edited by GStudio
Updated palette files, and short tutorial.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, it seems CutStudio is a stand-alone program which doesn't import files for cutting. I use VinyMaster Cut which is quite cheap and might be available on a 30 day trial. This will import PDF/eps without problem and will certainly talk to your cutter. There is also an open source cutting package called Inkcut to try. If you are still having problems I wonder if you have a driver for the GX-24 installed. If not I think they are available from the Roland website.

Windows 10 Pro, I5 3.3G PC 16G RAM

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Inkcut seems to be a nice solution but it didn't support windows (even if they state cross plattform with support for windows...)

The driver is installed :-)

I'll try VinylMaster Cut and see if it resolves my problems.

Thanx a lot for your time!


 / Tom

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  • 8 months later...

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