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After several months of work, Frankentoon website is a reality now and this is the first published tutorial Beardly Morris the Pirate.  You can expect the second one this very friday. At the moment the website feels a little bit "empty", 'cause I'm working simultaneously on several tasks to get it 100% complete (design tweaks, SEO, more sections, more information, social media maintenance, etc). 


As a welcome gift for all new subscribers, I've created a small free vector pack as a direct download delivered to your email. This first pack is already being expanded with more than 20 extra objects. People who's already in, will receive the update in a few days in their inboxes :) . I'm planning to release a free vector pack every 6 weeks. Here's a preview of the first one:




Your feedback is very, very, very important at this initial stage, so if you have a couple of minutes to check this tutorial, I will be more than happy with your feedback, good and bad!. I'm specially looking forward to bad feedback in order to improve the site as more as I can, so you can have the best possible user experience in the future. If you have comments about the website, would be awesome too! (mobile version is expected to be done by this friday too, so if you browse this tutorial from a mobile device, would look a little bit weird).


Hope you enjoy! :)

• Frankentoon Studio - Tutorials and Resources for Designer, Photo and Publisher

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Hi Enrique. 


That's one helluva of a well written, stylish and confidence inspiring tutorial. 


I just speed read it and instantly felt that this was an ideal out-of-the-box tutorial. This reminds me how and why a got to grips with Serif's DrawPlus 2 all those years ago. This should be added to MEB's page as a newbie resource. 


Very confidence inspiring.


Well done Amigo. B)


Ps I like the noise and whole muted toned colour scheme.


You are going to love Publisher APu, when it finally comes out!

Edited by peter

MacBook pro, 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB, OS X 10.11.6



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Hi Enrique. 


That's one helluva of a well written, stylish and confidence inspiring tutorial...


Wow Peter, thanks for taking the time. That was a helluva feedback ;)

Your comment has fueled me right now, because I'm in the middle of polishing the second tutorial and your words have gave me that extra energy you need when working your own products. This one is gonna be a little shorter, cause I'm trying to find the right balance of information. 


lots of thanks!

• Frankentoon Studio - Tutorials and Resources for Designer, Photo and Publisher

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