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What will it replace on the windos side..like will it replace pageplus or what..I have 2 more post till a certain date, and cant see this one til approved so please be specific thanks %)...

AS I really dont want to have "500 programs" on my system I dont know arent you that way to lol

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Hi Amigatheone,


Affinity Photo,Designer and Publisher aren't built as replacements to the X range, they are their own programs. However, they will be most similar to PhotoPlus, DrawPlus and PagePlus but it is worth noting that you wont be able to use X range file types (for example .DPP) with the Affinity range.



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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I did read they would discontinue the photoplus  drawplus and pageplus  in article from the ceo ,but which is why i had to get it clarified .which what u are saying makes no sense


Development isn't going to continue but the Plus range programs will still be working and usable. As stated above these will be two completely separate ranges of programs, Affinity is not specifically designed to replace the Plus range.



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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can i import  the editable aka pageplus files etc.. becasue sooner or later the plus prograsm are goign to be outdated ,and the files are goign to be needed to be imported,and we are goign to want to replace  one series as it is called with another ,and not be another mickysoft where we have 5 different "oses". I signed up for the beta test..so i can test that part out with no problem.

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This has been discussed extensively in these forums. The two product ranges do not share a common "native" file format, nor do they have the same feature set or code base.


So basically, what that means is you will need to export plus formatted files using the plus app to some more standardized format (like PDF, SVG, etc.) to work on them in Affinity. This is essentially the same thing that has to be done when leaving the Adobe world for the Affinity one or whatever -- in other words, the only way to "future-proof" your stuff is to maintain a copy in one of the non-proprietary graphics file formats.


This remains an imperfect solution, since almost invariably the proprietary formats include features that do not export well or at all to the non-proprietary ones. And like you said, eventually the app that created the original document will become so outdated that it won't run on any OS that will run on the latest computer hardware, so either you keep some old computer around just to be able to export old documents (& pray that it keeps working) or diligently export everything ASAP while you still can.


Personally, I have been dealing with this for about 30 years, & I'm a Mac only user. All my stuff originally was in MacDraw or Claris/Appleworks formats. I upgraded first to Deneba Canvas, & then to Aldus Freehand, so I had to spend considerable time trying (not always successfully) to export & fix the issues that caused.

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.5 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7

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I couldnt find this topic anywhere,or at least in one area. While still in beta .I was hoping as its serif ,and also showing off the other companies such as Adobe ,and also being so nice.that the import of the older program types would be implemented..Amiga side has done it before. Also , you are importing mac side. I know I want an all in one solution to better interegrate programs so at least that part is done. 

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