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"Expand Appearance" cropped vectors

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I was looking around and could not locate a way to create permanent vector shapes based on the cropped view of a vector object. 


However in my specific case, I have cropped a group of stroked circles made to appear like sonic waves, I want to now make them into a single compound element, to finally round the end caps of each stroke as they should then be free from just being hidden from a crop itself.


Is there an easy way to do this task without a ton of other steps? Does an equivalent function like "expand appearance" that AI has exist for AD? 


I thought "convert to curves" was it, seems like the closest thing to this, but that command does not result in the solution I seek.


Thank you




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Have you tried the "donut tool"? Using the donut tool there are two places where you can make adjustments. One adjusts the size of the inner hole, the second one adjusts the other shape and will make curves like you are trying to make. It is super easy and smooth.




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Thank you Hokusai for your input, 


I did not consider the donut tool, it's another good option for setting this up, however after trying, even this method is not completely perfect as getting the result I'm looking for took more steps afterward, such as rounding the ends which is not a built-in parameter of the donut tool, it would be great if the developers added this option to the tool in the future.

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