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Group edit fades background (like ai)

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Hi! It would be a SUPER useful feature, if group edit was a bit more usable. Like in Adobe Illustrator this functions works much more flexibly.

-Fade when in the group, so you can see what is and what is not selectable (could be a checkbox option to turn on/off)

-That when editing the group/copying elements or deleting things, it stays 'within' the group. In AI this works intuitively but in Affinity it automatically 'exits' the group often, making it no so usable to do multiple edits through groups.


Groups can be a super powerful feature, to 'isolate' visually and 'isolate lock' a portion of the artwork to work in. However it could use a more robust implementation to really take advantage of this.


Would be great if this could be looked at! Thanks!

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