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So I'm finally making the switch from a windows laptop to a MacBook, and I wanna make sure that I get something that's both in my price range, and also runs affinity well. But that being said, there's a lot out there. 

If you use affinity on a MacBook, what have your experiences been? What year/model are your MacBooks? Are there any MacBooks I should stay away from? 

Affinity is by far the biggest consuming product I will use on the laptop, so that's why I'm here first. I've been told MacBook pros are the way to go, but I don't know much more than that, and my only mac experience has been an iPad pro and my 2016 imac all in one dinosaur, which barely runs affinity at this point.

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Affinity 2 runs well even on my "obsolete" MacBook Pro mid-2012 with MacOS Catalina, upgraded with a fast SSD. Only using lots of live filters in Photo can become a CPU/GPU bottleneck for sure.

It flies on my MacBook Air M2 15". And now that MBA M3 has been released just this week, I wouldn't worry about the CPU at all. It's top of the game.

What you need to do is order as much RAM as you can afford because you can't upgrade it. Neither the SSD.
Don't go under 16GB RAM or 512GB SSD.
My MBA is thus "full blown", with 24GB RAM and 2TB SSD.

MacBookAir 15": MacOS Ventura > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // MacBookPro 15" mid-2012: MacOS El Capitan > Affinity v1 / MacOS Catalina > Affinity v1, v2, v2 beta // iPad 8th: iPadOS 16 > Affinity v2

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