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Photo Ver 2.4 Masks not working (among several other things)

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These should probably have been reported as individual issues so they can be looked at individually.

Otherwise the discussions (if any) about all the issues could get very ‘entangled’ and difficult to understand.

The third point, if it’s what I think it’s about, has already been reported by yourself.

The last point isn’t a bug, so doesn’t need to be reported.

Maybe ask a question about each issue individually first, in the appropriate Questions section, in case it’s just user error, or expected behaviour, or something which isn’t to do with the Affinity application itself, or whatever else can cause issues.

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Hi @Bruce Kennedy,

18 hours ago, Bruce Kennedy said:

Tools (Paintbrush etc) having no effect upon masks.

This is usually specific to the Brush Tool settings in your app, as we aren't aware of any general issues with this in 2.4.
Can you provide a screenshot or screen recording showing the Paint Bruch Tool settings on the Context Toolbar and your Layers Studio showing the layer you're trying to paint on?

18 hours ago, Bruce Kennedy said:

Unable to resize Studio panels.

Not all Studio dialogs within Affinity can be resized and this is by design - for example the Transform Studio is a fixed size. Which Studio are you trying to resize?

18 hours ago, Bruce Kennedy said:

Have had to disable Hardware Acceleration because of Raw file arefacts.

Thanks for letting us know - our team are working to resolve the issue with Hardware Acceleration and RAW files ASAP :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Staff

The issue "RAW files have Artefacts when opened in 2.4.0/2.4.1" (REF: AF-2178) has been looked at by the developers and a potential fix added in internal build "".

This change is planned for inclusion in the next customer release (2.4.2), but the Affinity team would like you to join our beta program and use this beta and let us know if the changes to developing Raw Files on Windows has addressed the issue for your specific hardware.

This customer beta build is announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.

If you still experience this problem once you are using that Beta build version (or later) please create a thread in the beta forum with a description of your PC hardware including processor and graphics card make/model.


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