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GIF export mot working correctly

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Hi imacken,

Regarding the original issue of this thread, this is happening because the effects you are using (drop shadows) are partially transparent. When you export your document, if you leave the Matte option as None (transparent) all partially transparent objects will not be rendered because GIF can only display one fully transparent colour ( there's no support for semi transparency). If you set the Matte colour to White  (accessed from the More button on the GIF export dialog) the semi-transparent parts will be rendered against it and the file will be exported as you'd expect with the drop shadows and eye appearing correctly.

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Attached is the GIF from Photoshop with Matte set to none.  Not perfect, but gets all elements in and looks fine as GIFs are viewed very small.  The thing is that if Matte is set to white, then all the transparency, like the drop shadow, comes through in the GIF which I don't really want as when viewed very small, just comes across as mess!

What AD did with the png was fine except for the missing 'pupil'!


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