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I'm trying to change the center of scaling of a layer but with no success.  Changing the center of rotation is fine but Affinity doesn't seem to use this same center for scaling.


I've searched the forums for a solution but to no avail.  Can anyone help? :)

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A workaround is to make a horizontal and vertical guide to intersect where you want to be the scaling center of the object. Make sure snapping is turned on. Create a circle shape and center it to this guideline center. IMPORTANT: The circle shape has to be bigger than the original, then grab both and scale up using shift-cmd. Your original object you wanted to scale from a custom center should scale up from the point you wanted.

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Sure I brought this up soooo long ago. 




Although this tutorial is using a triangle and circle and I was duplicating around a custom center, instead of duplicating all that is needed to be done is to grab both objects and cmd+shift to scale like I mentioned.

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