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Hi there,


here's another question on some odd Affinity Photo file sizes:


I have a couple of photos in afphoto format. They all roughly have 7.5 megapixel in 8 bit RGB format and the same layers of live filters applied to all of them. Now some yield a file size around 14 mb and some only 3 mb, with no visual clue why this could be the case. For example there are two photos with large black areas, which could be expected to be compressed very well, but one is 14 mb, the other is 3 mb. Hard to understand.


But it gets weirder: I flattened them both and saved them in afphoto format and voilá, both are 14 mb now. Huh? But one was only 3 mb before flattening with all the layers in it? Strange...


And even stranger: everytime I save some of the files they gain in file size. Even if I don't add anything to them. So making a layer invisble and then visible again (to be able to hit CMD-S) adds another 1.4 mb to the file. Of course I don't save the history with the document. At least not that I knew... 8-)

If I repeat the above steps a few times I'll end up with a file around 22 mb. If I now save this file with a new name to a different location it will be back to 14 mb.


Strange all this, isnt't it?


I tried to disable the Apple Versions and Autosave features as much as I could on my system but I don't know if this affects Affinity Photo or not.


I've been looking through this forum for answers to my little problem but found nothing satisfying yet. Of course I can provide the original afphoto files to Affinity staff members for investigation.


And by the way: Affinity Photo is in many ways a fantastic app and I'm glad to have it as an alternative A$$$e PS.


Thanks in advance and regards,


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  • Staff

Without seeing your file it's going to be hard to see what your issue is. However, this thread has some useful information from our developers that explains what could be causing your issue.


Feel free to attach your document to this thread or send me a link to it via PM :)

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