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I'm testing the import of svg files in Affinity Designer.

- Is it true, that neither external css stylesheets nor inline css-styling are supported when importing a svg file?

- Groups in svg (<g> tag) are transformed to layers in Affinity Designer and not to grouped items. What's the reason for this behaviour?

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  • Staff

Welcome to the forums TJ_ :)


Internal and External CSS stylesheets are ignored when imported into AD. However, Inlines styles do work. This reply will explain the issue with Groups in SVG files.


Our devs are hoping to add better support for CSS stylesheets and groups in the future :)

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Thank you Leigh for the answer.

With regard to my two questions above, Affinity Designer and Illustrator (at least CS 4) are on the same level  :)

In the mean time I also found out that the svg text properties alignment-baseline and dominant-baseline are not interpreted by Affinity Designer.


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