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Hi there. I am trying to mask text. And it is not working. I was able to do it before. There is some symbol in the bottom right corner of the flag and I'm not sure what that is. But since it appeared I'm not able to mask. Any suggestions


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Welcome to the forums @thefritz

You seem to be cropping the text with the EPS document which doesn’t sound like what you want to do.

See my attached video for an example of what I think you want.

Note that when I drag the Artistic Text onto the name of the Image Layer, the text is clipped to the shape of the Image Layer, but when I drag the Artistic Text onto the thumbnail of the Image Layer, the image is masked by the shape of the Artistic Text.

How you managed to crop the layers like that, I have no idea, but it looks strange to me, maybe because you’re cropping to an EPS which isn’t normally a good thing to do. Someone else should be able to help more with that.

Note: Full-screen screenshots (taken via the OS or other application) are often more useful for diagnostic purposes than a photo taken by a phone (or similar device) as we get much more information about your document and application set-up.

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