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Affinity Publisher 2 Textbox Delete Bug

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When i open a textbox in Affinity Publisher 2 and write something, then change the textcolor and write again without clicking in the textbox again and would then delete with backspace an wrong written word, i delete the whole textbox!

This happens since v2, in Affinity Publisher v1 this bug is not present.


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If you go back to 2.1 you'll miss out on the many other bug fixes in 2.2 and 2.3 and for most users, those bug fixes are much more important than this bug which is easy to work around. It's frustrating but not a showstopper like some other bugs.

I wish it would be fixed, too, it's happened to me a few times in the hour since I wrote to you which indicates the severity of the problem. It would happen to me constantly but my main text frames are on the master page so they can't be accidentally deleted. For those who don't use master page frames this bug must be maddening.

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