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This should happen by default unless you are separated mode which will place everything in individual windows. If you go to the Window menu and make sure Separated mode is unticked you should see the document bar. 


if you are in separated mode, you can drag one of the windows you have open to the top left corner of another open image and it should place both those images in a single window

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Hi SushantPanda,

Those tabs are not Affinity Photo controls/commands. Those are documents tabs. Each document you open will have a tab like that on top. What's happening is that James has saved the documents he is using to demonstrate program's features with the corresponding feature's name and so all document's tabs look like commands/buttons you can activate or use which is not really the case. If for example you save your document as 01 - Levels as the name you will have a tab with that name exactly like the screenshot you posted.

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