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AD macOS - Spirals bounds don't respect snapping

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Trying to snap/align certain spirals (Fibonacci, Semi-Circular, Decaying, Linear, Plotted, ) to the center of the page with all snapping options enabled, but latest beta doesn't respect snapping nor Align Center command (both axes) which gives wonky spiral placement, not center of page. The only Spiral type that works properly is Counter Semi-circular, my guess is because it has symmetrical object bounds.

2021 16” Macbook Pro w/ M1 Max 10c cpu /24c gpu, 32 GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Sonoma 14.4.1

2018 11" iPad Pro w/ A12X cpu/gpu, 256 GB, iPadOS 17

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Hi @ronnyb

Could you show an example of where you are seeing the spiral being misaligned when snapped to the centre of the page or you mean that you cannot snap the shape at all to the centre point of the document? 

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Hi @ronnyb

The centre point on the quick shapes are a weight centred that is calculated based on a lot of different information about the shape, not just the base box. This means you cannot just use the base box as a visual guide to whether the shape is central for non circular/symmetric shapes. 

On your video, the shape itself looks to be visually in the centre of the artboard - this can be confirmed by toggling the Regular Bounds on using the . key.

If you wanted to be more precise with moving the spiral, you could try using the point transform tool. That allows you to snap the origin to certain parts of the spiral, for example in Decaying you can snap to the centre of the spiral object, or the spiral's centre point, this can then be dragged and snapped to certain parts of your document. See attached images showing the comparisons between centre of the object (note how the regular bounds are aligned to the centre guides) and the spiral's centre.

image (4).png

image (3).png

image (2).png

image (1).png

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Thanks for the great explanation @EmT

It seems it would be beneficial if pressing the . key toggled/cycled through using the current method to calculate snapping, or the current spiral/object’s displayed bounds, extending similarly existing functionality of transformed /grouped objects’ bounding box calculation….?

2021 16” Macbook Pro w/ M1 Max 10c cpu /24c gpu, 32 GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Sonoma 14.4.1

2018 11" iPad Pro w/ A12X cpu/gpu, 256 GB, iPadOS 17

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