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Edit: This answer may not be relevant to the question asked. Reading the original post again I see that they do say “mid point” and I think I misread that as “gradient stop position” (different people have different terms for the same thing). Further information from the OP later in the thread should make things clearer. I’ll keep this answer here as it might be of some use to someone looking for an answer to a slightly different question.

I’m not seeing this behaviour when modifying a gradient via the swatch on the Context Toolbar in Photo.

However, the ‘extra’ gradient stop does ‘disappear’ if I drag it to either end of the gradient line on the actual layer when the Gradient Tool is being used.

See attached video where I use both methods.

I don’t know if this difference is expected or not. Personally I would expect both behaviours to have the same result but I might be missing some important information.

Can you give us a full-screen screenshot, or video, showing us which gradient modification functionality you are using?

Edited by GarryP
Added note.
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That behavior is since v1 apps there. Meaning, as far as you move/drag the mid handle (cursor) to the far right (100%) and release the mouse button, you won't be able again to access it's handle via a mouse click and hold. Probably due to the fact, that then the stop node and the cursor handle then lay one above the other focus wise. - If you drag the handle and won't release the mouse button in one way, then this of course wouldn't loose the mid handle.

The way to adjust it, aka to get it reposition from 100% back is what Return showed above, selecting the first left stop point and then adjusting the mid point setting (lower the value <100%).

☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2

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