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Strangely: Decorations do not show up as going into the bleed – unless I "toggle" the text Style

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Greetings friends!

I have set up decorations to go into the Left and right hand bleed – my outer margins are 1.0 Inches, and my decorations are set at -1.2 Inches on the left and the right.

However, the decorations do not show up as going into the bleed – unless I actually "toggle" the text style that they are in. You can see the behavior below in the video. 



I am little bit confused as to why this is happening. Is the declaration actually going into the bleed, but it is just not shown visually (for example – is this just a graphics glitch?) Or is it actually not going into a bleed, and I'm doing something incorrectly. Thank you so much for your thoughts!


I have attached the source manuscript below. Thank you so much! 🙂

8x10 Final Print 100823.afpub

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Try this to be sure it is going into the bleed.
Export to pdf>use current spread.
Select include bleed from the options. 
Select include printermarks but only set the cropmarks option.
In the preview window you should see that the grey area of that textframe is going over the edge of these cropmarks.
This indicates that the bleed is honored otherwise it's not.

btw you have set inner bleed to zero and this could mean that when you export to pages there will be missing bleed at one side of each page.


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1 hour ago, ajwwong said:

the decorations do not show up as going into the bleed – unless I actually "toggle" the text style that they are in.

I wonder if you "just" experience a redraw issue on your computer. When I open your document then every of these decorations show up in the bleed successfully.
My only idea to solve it on your side is rather guessing only and would be to try different performance settings in the app preferences (… although I am aware your layout objects are not at all processor demanding) or to restart APub.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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