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Replacing a linked PDF breaks its placement, scaling, displayed page and page box settings


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Current Publisher version is 2.2.0, but this was happening since V1

When I replace an already placed PDF document with another one, of the same size/dimensions and DPI, the following happens:

1) Placed PDF changes scaling, from 100% to 103%, so I need to revert it back to correct scaling

2) All placed PDF instances reset their displayed page to page 1, instead of what was selected previously, have to set correct displayed pages all over again

3) All placed PDF instances switch to Trim Box instead of what box was selected previously, have to re-set the correct box again on all of them

4) All placed PDFs are now at the wrong coordinates due to wrong scaling and a different box setting, so have to manually put them all back

None of this should be happening.
Current experience of replacing a PDF via Resource Manager is horrendous. Layout breaks entirely.

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Hi @Blake_S,

Thanks for your report!

23 hours ago, Blake_S said:

1) Placed PDF changes scaling, from 100% to 103%, so I need to revert it back to correct scaling

I'm not seeing this behaviour here currently - are you able to provide sample documents that show this issue? A copy of your .afpub, the placed PDF file and the PDF file you are replacing would be helpful.

23 hours ago, Blake_S said:

2) All placed PDF instances reset their displayed page to page 1, instead of what was selected previously, have to set correct displayed pages all over again

3) All placed PDF instances switch to Trim Box instead of what box was selected previously, have to re-set the correct box again on all of them

4) All placed PDFs are now at the wrong coordinates due to wrong scaling and a different box setting, so have to manually put them all back

When you refer to 'All placed PDF instances' - is this all instances of the specific file you are replacing, or all instances of any PDF file that is placed in your document, even if this is not being replaced at this time?

Can you also please confirm for me, are your placed PDF documents within Picture Frames, or are they simply placed directly on the canvas?

Many thanks in advance :)

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/29/2023 at 4:05 PM, Dan C said:

I'm not seeing this behaviour here currently

Most likely because the PDF files people use for testing don't have a trim box specified.
Set a trim box that is smaller than a crop box.
Unfortunately I don't have the original files now.
My guess is after replacement the file is set to trim box bounds, and then scaled up to the size of the previous box, which is a wrong behaviour.
Also file replacement behaviour might be different depending if the original linked PDF is present or missing.


> When you refer to 'All placed PDF instances' - is this all instances of the specific file you are replacing, or all instances of any PDF file that is placed in your document, even if this is not being replaced at this time?

All instances of the same file I am replacing.
Lets say I have 4 instances of the same file in the document, each set to different pages from 1 to 4.
After replacement all of them will be on page 1.


> Can you also please confirm for me, are your placed PDF documents within Picture Frames

No picture frames. Placed directly.

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Thanks for confirming that for me!

On 11/3/2023 at 12:21 PM, Blake_S said:

Also file replacement behaviour might be different depending if the original linked PDF is present or missing.

The above was the step I was missing - I had tried both Linked and Embedded PDF files, but not Linked & Missing files. With a document using this setup, when opening the file and selecting Resource Manager, then replacing the PDF file, I see the Page is reset to 1 for all instances and the Page Box setting is lost.

I'm getting this logged with our developers now, thanks once again for your report :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Staff

The issue "Replacing a Linked & Missing PDF resets the Spread and Page Box options" (REF: AF-1088) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Serif Info Bot to notify us.

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