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AffDesign 2.2. Mac : Delete (node) via backspace no longer working ?


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OS Big Sur 11.7.10
HW acceleration :see screenshot.

Not sure of this is by design or bug, but here is what I came across when editing nodes:

I Used to press the backspace key (no modifier key needed) to delete selections (nodes & other).
Since the delete node via the RH mouse click is now introduced in v.2.2.,  this no longer works.
The default "Delete"  shortcut key in the Preferences panel is now empty.
Creating a new shortcut key "backspace" (backspace only) does not work, it needs a modifier key (fn).
I've tried other modifier keys, but that also doesn't work.


Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 14.36.53.png

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Hi CatLover,

I can't seem to replicate this here unfortunately. Please could you tell me which tool you have selected when you are trying this? If possible could you also provide a screen recording demonstrating this problem? If you select the node and then go to Edit > Delete does this operation work correctly and is a shortcut shown next to the delete entry shown in this menu?

EDIT: if you restart the app after resetting the backspace key as delete or after resetting to the serif default shortcuts does this issue still persist?


Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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Thanks for your speedy answer,Callum.
After I'd read your edit: I reset the shortcuts to Serif Default.

This restored the shortcuts and the Delete shortcut now works as it used to : Backspace = delete.

In case it's still useful: I was using the Node tool at the time and the Edit menu "Delete" showed the default shortcut key.

Thanks again, have a nice weekend !


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