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Right-clic on Designer app icon to open directly recents files on v.2 Mac, please!

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What I loved about the v.1 was the ability to directly open recent files by right-clic on the Affinity Designer icon, why did it go away ? Now in the v.2 I have to first open the app then, wait for the first panel to open (I know I can deactivate it), then go to "Recent files". What a waste of time! I noticed it works but only when the app is already open, not before.
Could you guys put back this little shortcut that was super handy and quick to use, please?

Thanks in advance!

Geoffroy GALLIOT, freelance graphic designer fom Brittany, France.

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3 hours ago, ygddrasill said:

What I loved about the v.1 was the ability to directly open recent files by right-clic on the Affinity Designer icon, why did it go away ? Now in the v.2 I have to first open the app then, wait for the first panel to open (I know I can deactivate it), then go to "Recent files". What a waste of time! I noticed it works but only when the app is already open, not before.
Could you guys put back this little shortcut that was super handy and quick to use, please?

Hi and welcome to the forums. Unfortunately, this is a known bug with v2 that hasn't been fixed yet. Serif is aware of the issue and it's on their list to fix.


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