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Random order of spelling mistakes in Preflight


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Perhaps by design or a bug or something else?

For me, it is irritatiing. Use case: Opened a technical manual in APu. Preflight showed a lot of spelling mistakes in the Preflight panel. Learning or ignoring the first spelling mistake of a page in the list, causes the other spelling mistakes on that very page to be shuffled regarding their (first displayed) order in the Preflight panel.

Not a big deal, but irritating because of the constant movement in the list.

Windows 10 / 11, Complete Suite Retail and Beta

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I can't duplicate this on macOS so perhaps it's a Windows-specific issue.

I tried it with four mistakes in the same frame and with two mistakes in two frames each, but regardless of which one I learned first, the others stayed in the right order.

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Hi @joe_l,

I'm not seeing any random shuffling while testing this on Windows, I created a new blank document and added a number of gibberish words in a text frame. Before doing anything preflight has the mistakes organised in the order in which they appear in the text frame. If I learn/ignore the spelling of the first mistake on the page that appears in the preflight list, that entry disappears and the rest move up one in the list, as expected. If I add an additional text frame containing mistakes and put this lower in the layer stack, the mistakes in this additional text frame move to the top of preflight.

If you're observing different/odd shuffling behaviour after the first learn/ignore, do you have a sample doc I can take a look at?

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On 9/15/2023 at 11:39 AM, NathanC said:

If you're observing different/odd shuffling behaviour after the first learn/ignore, do you have a sample doc I can take a look at?

I think you find a way to get this working.

Here is the link to a PDF with a lot of words not part of any dictionary -> https://www.ericasynths.lv/media/LXR_manual_2_2_w7qUSHI.pdf

I am using the German GUI language and after opening the PDF, all text frames are defaulted to German language. I turn preflight on with Live checking.

In my case the first unknown word is OWNERS, the second one is OF. When I now ignore spelling for OWNERS, the second unknown word is not OF anymore, but Card (followed by Projects), ignoring Cards does not show Projects as next spelling error, but settings and so on and so on.

EDIT: Turning off Live Checking and using the Check now-button, the order of spelling errors does not change.

Windows 10 / 11, Complete Suite Retail and Beta

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