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Tabs With Square Dots

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Hi @Dai555,

As far as I'm aware the tab stop leader character is a full stop by default, and the shape of that full stop (either rounded or square) is defined by the glyph table for that particular font. Since you're using Arial in your example document this uses a square style for the dots, but if you're using a completely different font in a new document that may use a rounded shape for the full stop glyph.

You can actually change which character is being used for the leader under the ellipsis (...) but it doesn't appear to allow you to define a different font from here, just the character used.


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Got it working using the glyph browser. It doesn't work with every character though. What I did was to place the small square dot from the Glyph Browser in a text box then cut it and replace the round dot in the style with the square one. Where I have been going wrong is using the wrong size square dot. The larger ones come out as just an outline shape the smaller one comes out as the square dot.

Square dot.jpg

replace dot.jpg

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