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AD v2.1.1: Image is not placed correctly when opening SVG file

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Summary: The <image> and the <rect> in the attached "output.svg" file are declared to have the same 'x', 'y', 'width', and 'height'; but the <image> is placed incorrectly.

Application:  Affinity Designer 2.1.1

OS: MacOS 13.5

Reproducible: Yes. Open the attached SVG file.


The SVG contains the following:

rect  opacity='0.5' x='-1' y='-1' width='2' height='2'  image opacity='0.5' x='-1' y='-1' width='2' height='2' ... />

(The image is a solid red square.)

You can see in the screenshot that the <rect> and <image> are not in the same place.  Clicking on the object and looking at the Transform window reveals that the image's coordinates are incorrect.

Inkscape, Safari, and Chrome all position the <rect> and <image> in the same place.


CleanShot 2023-08-08 at 01.37.08@2x.png


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