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affinty publisher corrupt two pages after closing document

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Hi all,

I have one problem with affinity publisher. Everytime, when I close document and open it again, two pages are corrupted (text is shifted somewhere under pages). Only working solution is create two new pages, copy content and delete corrupted pages. You can see what's wrong on attached pictures. Have I something wrong on this pages? This behavior is only on this two particular pages in document.

I'm using version 2.1.1.

Thanks for help,





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The text in the text frames on page 4 seem to be wrapping around something but I can’t find what they are wrapping around, either on the page or the master page.

If you select the “SLOVEM…” frame and then go to the Text Frame Panel and switch “Ignore Text Wraps” ON, the text comes back into the frame.
Moving that same frame lets you see that the text really doesn’t want to be in the frame and always ‘keeps low’ at the bottom of the page.

Unfortunately I don’t know how this has happened or how to fix it, but hopefully someone else will. (Just thought I’d mention these things in case it helped anyone else looking for the problem.)

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Ok, I found the reason for this behavior. It is the picture (map) on page 5. But I need to wrap text around it. When I switch off wrapping, everything is back; when I switch on wrapping, everything is ok, and when I reopen the document, it is again corrupted :( It is caused only on this page with this picture.

Edit: For some reason it helped when I place a map to the predefined picture frame instead of placing directly on the page. But why any other pictures and maps are ok, I don't know.

Edited by Daniel Vrbík
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Ah, yes, that seems to be getting us somewhere.

Deleting the brezovka_strelnice.afdesign layer – a linked document – in the Group on page 5 allows everything else to snap back into place, but there doesn’t seem to be any Text Wrap set on that layer itself.

Since that layer is a linked document, and I don’t have that document, I can’t do any further testing with it.

It’s a guess but if something in that document has massive Text Wrap distances then that could be having some kind of effect but I can’t tell with the resources I have.

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2 hours ago, GarryP said:

Deleting the brezovka_strelnice.afdesign layer – a linked document – in the Group on page 5 allows everything else to snap back into place, but there doesn’t seem to be any Text Wrap set on that layer itself.

Since that layer is a linked document, and I don’t have that document, I can’t do any further testing with it.

Does text wrap work through if placed as Affinity document in V2 ? (If yes it appears unwanted / buggy)

In V1 text wrap does not affect objects of a parent document while it maintains the text wrap within the placed/linked (child) document:


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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I wouldn’t expect the Text Wrap in a linked/embedded document to ‘bleed out’ to affect the parent document.
While that might be useful in some unusual cases (none of any real usefulness come to mind), I don’t think it would be useful or wanted in most cases.
I don’t know if this happens, or is happening in this case, as I haven’t done any testing of it in V1 or V2.

I think we would need a packaged document – one containing the linked document – to be able to see what is actually happening.

It may be that if the linked document is simply deleted from the parent document and then placed in again then everything might be good and well – just one of those weird things that happens once in a while.

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1 hour ago, thomaso said:

Does text wrap work through if placed as Affinity document in V2 ? (If yes it appears unwanted / buggy)

In V1 text wrap does not affect objects of a parent document while it maintains the text wrap within the placed/linked (child) document:


Thomaso, this is ok, text is not wraped if its placed as Affinity document in V2.


As I wrote in my edit, it is fine now because I placed the map into a pre-created picture frame. But maybe I'm doing wrong anything else. The packaged document is attached.


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30 minutes ago, GarryP said:

I don’t know if this happens, or is happening in this case,

Since you experienced that deleting the placed document fixed the issue AND that this layer has no text wrap set it would indicate that text wrap comes from within this placed document, right?

11 minutes ago, Daniel Vrbík said:

Thomaso, this is ok, text is not wraped if its placed as Affinity document in V2.

(…) it is fine now because I placed the map into a pre-created picture frame.

Thank you for clarifying. Sorry, as V1 user I can't open your V2 documents unfortunately … but I am curious what exactly caused the issue. Your solution sounds to me that the map image had text wrap assigned that you then overrode by nesting the image within a Picture Frame. But why not just disabling text wrap for the image if it was not required? And why didn't the issue occur already within the placed document itself?

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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9 minutes ago, thomaso said:

Since you experienced that deleting the placed document fixed the issue AND that this layer has no text wrap set it would indicate that text wrap comes from within this placed document, right?

Possibly but not necessarily.
The linked document layer may have a Text Wrap applied which simply isn’t being shown to the user in the dialog.
I think only Serif can say exactly what’s happened by peering into the document’s ‘guts’.


I’ve just opened the package and it looks okay to me – see attached image – however I don’t know if that was a package of the ‘broken’ document or the ‘fixed’ document.


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2 minutes ago, GarryP said:

I’ve just opened the package and it looks okay to me – see attached image – however I don’t know if that was a package of the ‘broken’ document or the ‘fixed’ document.

Ok, it start to be funny because when I open packaged file, it is broken and definitely doesn't look like on your printscreen :D 

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Interestingly, since I closed Publisher after looking at the package, I couldn’t re-launch the application.
Designer and Photo launched okay, but Publisher stayed as a Background Task.
Ending the background task got me the application launched again.

I opened the package again and the spread is ‘broken’ again.

After using Save As to create a copy of the document and closing the document, Publisher became non-responsive until I had to end the task.

I think there may be some ‘internal’ issues with that document which we users can’t look at.

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28 minutes ago, Daniel Vrbík said:

it start to be funny because when I open packaged file, it is broken and definitely doesn't look like

Can you describe more detailed what single steps you did exactly to fix it before? Did the map image has text wrap assigned before you nested it within a Picture Frame?

And how can you solve it in the affected package document? With picture frame for the picture frame of the linked document?

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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At first, I used this:

  1. place a map (by the Place tool) somewhere on the page
  2. position the map on the right place on the page
  3. add a caption as a new text frame
  4. group together
  5. set text wrap

The working solution is this:

  1. delete the map and caption from the page
  2. draw a picture frame on the right place on the page
  3. place a map inside this frame (by the Place tool)
  4. add a caption as a new text frame
  5. group together
  6. set text wrap

But as I said, I used the same procedure as described at first for other maps in the document, and everything worked, only with this map was a problem.

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