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What I am trying to do/accomplish
     I am trying to find a way to get a vector graphic/ curve layer from an image I made in affinity photo.  
     If I could either use an outline as the curve/path such as tracing the outline with the vector brush or filling my selection as a
     vector shape that is what I am trying to figure out. 


What I have tried

  • Convert to curves - This has been greyed out on the pixel layers I have been trying to convert
  • Designer flood fill - can flood my layer or selection but doesn't allow the shape to be converted to curves
  • Creating an outline to convert to curves 
  • Masking a vector shape.  Selecting the pixels of the pixel layer and using that as a mask over a basic shape.
  • Selecting pixels from layer and using the vector brush to fill in selection


A bit more info on the shape/ pixel layer I am trying to convert.  I have taken a layer of perlin noise and have a posterize adjustment layer over the top of it.  I am trying to make the shapes from each layer of the posterize.  I can get to selecting the different layers, filling them and adding an outline but can't find a way to make them vector shapes without a third party program to vectorize each layer.


cutpapermaptest1color.thumb.png.b6cfc247522f69e595f0ef900b8a0c65.png          --->          layerfill.thumb.png.5fea50e08587d0afcb3ff77f594030e6.png

This is the image that I have been working on                                                        This is just one of the layers.  This is what I have been trying
                                                                                                                                     to convert to a curve.


If there as another way to generate these same kind of patterns (I need something organic) please let me know. 
I was also looking at Procedural Texture from this tutorial Affinity Photo : Perlin Color effect tutorial how to - YouTube


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What you are asking for is a Bitmap Tracer.

Affinity does not have one, but there are plenty of others out there that you can use.



I just tried https://vectorizer.ai with your image and got reasonable results, with little fiddling.

The drop shadow causes some issues as it has a soft edge, so you may wish to remove that, and reapply after the tracing.

You might also find an SVG generator that already makes Perlin noise pattern.

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2 hours ago, 11aadams said:

Absolutely understand about the drop shadow.

Also the shadows applied to the several curves themselve will make the one or other problem here, as vector tracers often can't create good seamless distributed shaded vectors out of those. Thus I would apply those afterwards.


☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2

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