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What is Proper Document Setup to Support PDF/X with B&W (Or Grayscale) Only?

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I've muddled through two book projects. Now, I'm trying to draw up a standards documents for future projects. Can someone help me to understand the relationships between the following elements?

  • New Document Setup 
  • Color Profile
  • Adjustment Layers
  • Embedded Images that contain color
  • Conversion of color images to Grayscale
  • Why PDF/X doesn't like Greyscale D50 color profile

During the first two books, I didn't know about adjustment layers. Browsing the forums today, I learned that color images can be turned black and white. This would save me the step of converting images to grayscale before embedding them into AP. I want to be certain that no color appears in the PDF.

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Hi @Anklebuster,

I've provided some additional info below along with some help guide links for reference.

21 hours ago, Anklebuster said:

New Document Setup 

Could you perhaps expand on what info you're specifically looking for in regards to the document setup so we might better be able to assist?

21 hours ago, Anklebuster said:

Color Profile

In New Document/Doc Setup this determines the global default colour profile that will be embedded in your document (so long as the option is checked on Export, PDF/X forces it on) and it determines the working document profile for objects and pixel layers, however a placed Image layer can retain it's own colour profile independent of the documents embedded colour profile so long as it's kept as an image layer.


21 hours ago, Anklebuster said:

Adjustment Layers

We might need a little more information, what specifically are you looking to know/understand?

21 hours ago, Anklebuster said:

Embedded Images that contain color

As mentioned previously, Embedded/linked image layers can retain their own colour profile independent of the document's working colour profile in the final PDF, in the PDF export settings you can also opt to convert image colour spaces to your working document profile on export.


21 hours ago, Anklebuster said:

Conversion of color images to Grayscale

If you have access to Photo 2 you could do this with the image opened in Photo 2 by going to Document > Convert Format / ICC Profile > Convert to Greyscale and then save and export the image to a format which supports this colour format, such as .TIFF. You could also do this with a recorded macro to convert the image colour space/profile and use the macro as a part of a batch job to process multiple images concurrently.

Or, as you've mentioned you could use a B&W adjustment layer which has been clipped to your image layer(s), non-destructive adjustment layers are not a compatible layer type with PDF files so this would result in the image layer being converted to your Document's working colour format but it would still apply the adjustment effect. If you globally applied a B&W adjustment to all elements on the page instead of just clipping it to images, this would rasterise all the contents of the final PDF on that particular page.

Another option is to use the 'K Only' function along the context toolbar on placed image layers, if your document colour format is set to CMYK this option should be come available with an image layer selected, this will ensure that the image layer exports as a K only B&W image.

21 hours ago, Anklebuster said:

Why PDF/X doesn't like Greyscale D50 color profile

Not too sure on the specifics on this one, sorry. Looks like a limitation/restriction of the PDF/X standard.

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First, thank you, @NathanC, for this detailed response. For new Document Setup, I was looking for a global setting that would force all images to be B&W, which you clarified. However, as you explained, some images retain their color profiles when I paste them in. So, there seems to be no way to enforce B&W, beyond the suggestions your provided.


For Adjustment Layers, I had hoped this feature would handle those pesky images that retain their color profiles. Again, your explanation tells me that all that will be undone by PDF/X. 


I've learned a lot from your response and now have even more questions! LOL I'll do some research on macros, but I have Irfanview, so I could bulk convert images to grayscale easily enough.







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