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When switching the font style from bold to regular, it switches the font-family

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I downloaded a font (let's call it "CoolFont") in different weights (Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic). Unfortunately, they are not grouped into one Family. Instead they are displayed as different families (CoolFont Regular, CoolFont Italic, etc.), each containing one style only.

When I wanted to change the font-style from Regular to Bold, I couldn't use Ctrl+B. Instead I had to select the new "family" from the Fonts drop-down menu.

To fix this problem, I converted the font with TransType and linked Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic together and exported them. Now they are grouped as they should and I should be able to use Ctrl+B etc. to change the style.

Here is, where my problem begins:
When I try to select from the family "CoolFont" the style "Regular", Affinity Publisher 2 (version 2.1.1) automatically changes the family to "CoolFont Regular", so I can't use Ctrl+B to make it bold.

When I select from the family "CoolFont" the style "Bold", everything works as expected, until I press Ctrl+B to make it Regular. Then the same thing happens and the new family is "CoolFont Regular" (instead of the style "Regular" in the family "CoolFont") even though there is a style "Regular" in the family "CoolFont".

But switching from "Bold" to "Bold Italic" and from "Bold Italic" to "Italic" and vice versa works totally fine.

Since the font-familty "CoolFont Regular" was used in many Word docs before I converted the font properly, I can't uninstall it for compatibility reasons.

I really hope you understood my description of the problem. Feel free to ask back if anything is unclear.
I hope that this bug gets fixed because it is quite annoying.

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