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Can someone help me open this svg file, please?

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Can someone please see if you can open this file in AD and change it to an .afdesign file for me? (see below)
It started as an .eps file, I converted it along with several others in Photo Pea. All the others opened with no issue, but this one just doesn't want to open.
It doesn't give an error. It looks like it's going to open, but AD just reads "Loading 1 document", but it never opens.
I left AD open all night, it didn't open. It does Not lock up AD or anything else. I'm able to work in AD while AD attempts to open the file, but it just never opens.
It could possibly be a memory issue with my laptop or maybe a conflict with a different editing program, but I would like to try and see if the .afdesign version would open.
Can anyone open it and maybe change it to an .afdesign file for me? Pretty Please?
Thank you.

Windows 10 | Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher | Super Power: ADHD | Instagram - Twitter | Code: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Node, Lua, Kodular,  Stencyl & Unreal

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20 minutes ago, edee said:

It could possibly be a memory issue with my laptop or maybe a conflict with a different editing program, but I would like to try and see if the .afdesign version would open.

I was able to open this file with Vectorstyles, then exported to pdf and imported to Designer.

My Designer also didn't want to open the svg, and also the svg created by Vectorstyler.

wireframe-hand2.2.afdesign wireframe-hand2.1.afdesign


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Also, you mentioned "Vectorstyles" I Googled it but didn't find anything that looked like a converter. 

Do you have a link I could use? 

Thanks again. 

Windows 10 | Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher | Super Power: ADHD | Instagram - Twitter | Code: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Node, Lua, Kodular,  Stencyl & Unreal

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5 hours ago, anto said:

I was able to open this file with Vectorstyles, then exported to pdf and imported to Designer.

FWIW, for me it opened in VectorStyler, but it took ~10 seconds to do so, & in VS most actions were quite sluggish & there was some odd workspace window flickering when I moved the Transform Tool around after clicking on anything. I think this was due to the huge number of objects in the file & the complex, deep nesting of objects.

When I tried opening it in AD 2 (retail or beta) I get a "Loading 1 Document" notification but no error or crash, & after waiting ten minutes or so, I gave up & closed the file. Maybe if I had waited long it might have opened, but clearly AD is having a much harder time loading all those objects than VS.

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.6 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
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Hi @edee,

Thanks for your file provided!

When inspecting this SVG using a text editor, this is unlike any file I have previously seen - if possible are you able to provide a copy of the original EPS file, before it was saved from Photopea?

I can confirm that I'm seeing the same issue with Designer not opening this SVG file (after waiting over an hour) and therefore I will be logging this with our developers now.

I hope this helps :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Dan C

I was curious so also tried this and it's nice to see Vectorstyler can open it. However, That seems to be only because Vectorstyler is overly forgiving on the file and just handles the SVG standard at least very loose/not strict/not at all. Which could be both a good thing (it opens more) as a bad thing (it also opens rubbish files that aren't compliant to the standard).

To start It looks like all IDs in the file are illegal due to the xml spec for IDs. Id's like &lt;Mesh&gt; aren't valid AFAIK. The &lt; (less than) stands for < character and &gt; (greater than) stands for the > character and that 'encrytion' doesn't make any sense in an ID to begin with, even if it would be allowed. 

So it looks like all IDs are wrong in this file. Which would make the SVG wrong/corrupt as it's not compatible with the XML standard to start with. Without even looking further.

I have to check the standard to be 100% sure tho, but I'm pretty sure about this.

This might have happened because the svg file wasn't downloaded as is, but was 'encoded' and treated as just a text document somewhere to make everything 'harmless'. Losing the functionality of the document. But even if these symbols (< and >) wouldn't be encrypted, it still wouldn't be valid IDs, so the original generated file wouldn't be valid either.

So for this alone it would make absolute sense that Affinity is not buying that file. It looks like Affinity is just more strict in expecting the SVG file to match the standard. Although if this is the issue I would expect Affinity to at least throw a warning that the file is corrupt/incompatible with the xml/svg standard.


        <g id="321353356351 4">
            <path id="&lt;Mesh&gt;" class="s0" d="m3009.8 1808.1q-514.7 0-1029.4 0 0-231.9 0-463.9 514.7 0 1029.4 0 0 232 0 463.9zm0-463.9q-514.7 0-1029.4 0 0-231.9 0-463.8 514.7 0 1029.4 0 0 231.9 0 463.8zm0-463.8q-514.7 0-1029.4 0 0-232 0-463.9 514.7 0 1029.4 0 0 231.9 0 463.9zm0-463.9q-514.7 0-1029.4 0 0-231.9 0-463.9 514.7 0 1029.4 0 0 232 0 463.9zm-1029.4 1391.6q-514.7 0-1029.3 0 0-231.9 0-463.9 514.6 0 1029.3 0 0 232 0 463.9zm0-463.9q-514.7 0-1029.3 0 0-231.9 0-463.8 514.6 0 1029.3 0 0 231.9 0 463.8zm0-463.8q-514.7 0-1029.3 0 0-232 0-463.9 514.6 0 1029.3 0 0 231.9 0 463.9zm0-463.9q-514.7 0-1029.3 0 0-231.9 0-463.9 514.6 0 1029.3 0 0 232 0 463.9zm-1029.3 1391.6q-514.7 0-1029.4 0 0-231.9 0-463.9 514.7 0 1029.4 0 0 232 0 463.9zm0-463.9q-514.7 0-1029.4 0 0-231.9 0-463.8 514.7 0 1029.4 0 0 231.9 0 463.8zm0-463.8q-514.7 0-1029.4 0 0-232 0-463.9 514.7 0 1029.4 0 0 231.9 0 463.9zm0-463.9q-514.7 0-1029.4 0 0-231.9 0-463.9 514.7 0 1029.4 0 0 232 0 463.9z"/>



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@Dan C

Here it is:


It says literally that the literals &gt; and &lt; are forbidden in the XML format (which SVG is based on), so the file is just corrupt and it would make complete sense that Affinity cannot open it for this alone.

However I do think that Affinity should throw a warning when a file being imported is illegal instead of doing... uh... whatever it's doing?


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1 hour ago, MmmMaarten said:


So for this alone it would make absolute sense that Affinity is not buying that file. It looks like Affinity is just more strict in expecting the SVG file to match the standard. Although if this is the issue I would expect Affinity to at least throw a warning that the file is corrupt/incompatible with the xml/svg standard.

NOPE, that's not the reason at all, since ...


In all XML applications, including SVG, the following entities are valid without a custom DTD:

  • &amp; - &
  • &gt; - >
  • &lt; - <


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
<svg width="210" height="400" viewBox="0 0 210 400" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:serif="http://www.serif.com/" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2;">
    <path id="&lt;Mesh&gt;" d="M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z" />

... so Affinity can usually deal with that just fine, as do all webbrowsers ... etc. - The whole is more related to the defs & styles setup and it's overall complexity ... for the Affinity parser here.

☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2

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