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Publisher 2.2 blocks the selection of objects

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I don't know what the problem may be, but when opening a document created in previous versions, the Publisher does not select frames.  When you click on an object on the page, Publisher doesn't select it, but selectes it in Layers panel.
This seems to happen when Publisher rupdate Resources on opening.
How to reproduce.
1. Open any file that contains multiple pages with frames and images.
2. While the resources are updating, quickly navigate to any page that hasn't yet been updated and try to select any object on the page.
For me, Publisher does not do nothing on the page, but selects the objects in Layers panel.

This happens even when Publisher is already able to select an object on the page and you quickly navigate to another page. Nothing happens on the page.

MacOs Ventura

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The error is probably related to the added problem.
Sometimes when I select a text frame with Move Tool, nothing happens. I need to scroll with the mouse wheel to make the selection frame appear.

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  • Staff

Thanks @anto

We have now been able to replicate this and it has been passed over to the devs for investigation.
The issue only seems to occur on MacOS when scrolling using the scroll bar, the bounding box will appear around the new selection after either, scrolling using the scroll wheel (as you've noted) or zooming in/out. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Staff

The issue "[MacOS] Redraw issue. Bounding box does not display for new selection after using scroll bar until you force Redraw" (REF: AF-295) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Serif Info Bot to notify us.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Staff

Hi @anto
Your other post is a separate issue with a completely different recipe, the issue logged in this thread has been fixed. Please try to keep your comments to the correct thread so as not to confuse things. 

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