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What is the difference between the MSIX and Microsoft Store applications?

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I am a Windows 11 user, and I'm a bit confused about the difference between "download MSIX from Affinity official site" and "download Affinity applications from Microsoft Store". Are they both able to get the latest updates automatically? And are there any limitations if I use the Microsoft Store applications?

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Hi @Sinacs welcome to the forums,

In terms of the app's general functionality, there are no differences between the .MSIX version and the MS version and it comes down to purchase preference, purchasing via the Affinity Store will still entitle you to download and activate the app if you then downloaded it from the MS Store, and the same is true vice versa so long as you linked your MS store purchase to your Affinity ID.

Both apps will receive and prompt you to install updates when they become available. Both will install to the inaccessible/hidden 'WindowsApps' folder and are both sandboxed applications, and therefore both have the same limitation that 3rd party/external apps cannot open the apps directly without a workaround 'Aflaunch.exe' file required.

If this is something that is likely to affect you if you're using external programs to launch Affinity apps (E.G From Lightroom), you might want to look at installing the .MSI version of the apps from the Affinity Store. This installs similar to how Version 1 installed as an unsandboxed .EXE file, this allows the apps to be installed to a custom accessible location and external applications can be pointed directly towards launching the .EXE based on the install location. I have linked a forum thread below which details how to install the .MSI.

More info on MSIX:

I hope this helps!

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16 hours ago, NathanC said:

If this is something that is likely to affect you if you're using external programs to launch Affinity apps (E.G From Lightroom), you might want to look at installing the .MSI version of the apps from the Affinity Store. This installs similar to how Version 1 installed as an unsandboxed .EXE file, this allows the apps to be installed to a custom accessible location and external applications can be pointed directly towards launching the .EXE based on the install location. I have linked a forum thread below which details how to install the .MSI.

I'm now using the Microsoft Store version AF applications, and I can use AfPhoto to open image files in Adobe Bridge 2023 without any problem.

10 hours ago, henryg said:

Why give MS a cut of the license fee? Do they add any value? Yes, I know Apple do the same, but the same applies.

Maybe it's just a simple promotional purpose.

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