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Frame Text

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I am trying to figure out how to make text frames consistent with each other and its becoming a headache


If I want to save a text colour i can save it as a style but it seems that is all that is saved. 


but there seems to be no way to save a font paragraph spacing ect.

I think if I create a text frame and then fill it then i can resize the frame 

if i just paste text then resizing resizes the text instead of the frame. 


Pasting text seems to come in as ariel and has some formatting applied but I can't figure out how to get pasted in text to format as other text frames  I'd like to pick an existing paragraph and copy its attributes to the new paragraph but i don't know how.


It seems that the best I can do is copy a text box and then manually write in the text i actually want. Is there no better way available.  All I am trying to do is make my text consistent and it isn't and it is very frustrating. 


Is affinity a long way off having consistent text?






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I am no expert, especially with the text tool.  But I would be glad to offer my opinion.


Can I suggest, maybe trying this.  Create your text box.  

Format your text the way you want it.  

Make a copy of that text box.  

Now get your new text, and copy that.

Go to your new text box, select all the old text in it, then from the Edit menu - Paste without Format.


See how that works for you.

This is only my opinion. It is not meant to be anything else.  

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Crabtrem pointed at a very good method, actually. You might also consider, if I may add that, synchronising your text from selection. In order to do so, take the following steps:

  • Select your text and choose text attributes.
  • With your text still selected, hit the Synchronise defaults from selection button or use the synchronising options at Edit > Defaults. This will save the current settings as new defaults.
  • Create a new text box with the saved defaults.

Hope that helps …  :)



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Thanks for your help, i'm just learning affinity designer and it does nice things, just not all the things I would like it to :) I'm producing a multipage report and I'd like it to look consistent. Your suggestions should help avoid a few head aches, it is a pity there seems to be no way to format to a pre defined style. I'm starting to work with a scratch pad with different styles. I'm so new to this I couldnt figure out why sometimes resizing the box resized the text and other times reflowed the text.


It is working wonders with pdf files. 

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I'm so new to this I couldnt figure out why sometimes resizing the box resized the text and other times reflowed the text.




It depends on which frame handle you are dragging. If you drag a corner or side handle, the frame will resize and the text will reflow. If you drag the handle which extends from the bottom-right corner, the text will scale with the frame.


For a visual representation of this, from the Help menu, select Affinity Designer Help. Then from the table of contents, select Text and then Frame text. Scroll to the bottom of the article.


Hope this helps.

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