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Auto-naming issues with layer symbols and symbols when the layer studio is empty


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Layer symbols are not displayed correctly, if you hover over the symbol icon (the crossed dot), Designer displays a pop-up that reads: "layer", whereas the layer is in fact a symbol. Also, the name of the symbol in the symbol studio and layers studio still reads "layer", instead of "symbol" as symbols would. Also note that if I delete all the layers, the symbol in the symbol studio will read group, as opposed to "symbol".

See video, should be self-explanatory.



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I don't know what you are expecting. Perhaps you could be more clear in your expectations of what you think they should be named. 

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.5 | Affinity Photo 2.5.5 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.5 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

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Depends on where you hover the mouse. Over the little symbol/icon for the type of layer you get symbol. Over the Thumbnail you get the Name of the layer, or the default 'name' for the type of layer it is, Group, Pixel, Symbol etc.



Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.5 | Affinity Photo 2.5.5 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.5 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

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1 hour ago, Old Bruce said:

Depends on where you hover the mouse. Over the little symbol/icon for the type of layer you get symbol. Over the Thumbnail you get the Name of the layer, or the default 'name' for the type of layer it is, Group, Pixel, Symbol etc.

Yes in theory. Now it doesn't show symbol up front.

This report is about the auto-renaming, so custom name pop-ups and such are not really the issue here.

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