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Duplicating symbols after dragging effects on top of them in the layer stack creates groups as duplicates, not symbols


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I ran into an issue where, if you duplicate symbols after applying an effect from another layer/ symbol/ group, the symbol is no longer duplicated as a symbol. Instead, it becomes a group.

The bug is displayed towards the end, in the screencast, I also show that this wouldn't happen otherwise and that it is caused by the layer effect, not by the disabled symbol syncing. The bug part starts at 1:10.


Steps to reproduce

1. Create a symbol

2. Duplicate the symbol

3. Disable syncing symbols

4. Add an effect to either a copy of the symbol or to an altogether different object

5. Drag the effect from to another copy of the symbol

6. Duplicate the symbol (from step 5) in the layers panel

7. Notice how the copy of the symbol becomes a group


Also note that at 1:10 in the video, you'll see me dragging an effect of the symbol to the other symbol. Designer for some reason sometimes won't accept this. That's another bug, which since the two are related, I also report it in the same bug report.


Workflow in which this occurs

I have outlines applied to my symbols and to align them over other objects, I sometimes turn off the effect. It is then easier to re-enable the effect by dragging it from another symbol. I also tend to copy symbols if they are rotated, so I can preserve their rotation.

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