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Text frames get unwanted stroke

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31 minutes ago, HornerPhoto said:

V2 Publisher on Windows 10.

New or existing doc.
Make a table
Set a wide stroke on the table frame.
Open Text frame tool and draw a text frame.
Text frame has wide stroke. It cannot be removed without removing stroke from the table frame.

Eric Horner

Hi Eric and welcome to the forum. Text frames and tables are both considered text objects so creating another one always uses the attributes of the last one. And annoyingly, if the last one was a table that you gave a thick stroke to, the next text frame you draw will have the same thick stroke.

But you can remove the stroke from the text frame without impacting the table frame. Select only the text frame, and using the Window > Text Frame panel, click the stroke thickness control in General and then click the X to clear the stroke. It won't impact any other text frames or tables in your document. I tested this just now and it worked fine for me as shown in this screen recording.




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