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Bug when typing Hangul (Korean Alphabet)

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When typing Hangul, consonant after vowel is not joined.

"ㅎ +ㅏ + ㄴ -> 한“ is right.

But now, the app has a bug like

"ㅎ +ㅏ + ㄴ -> 하ㄴ“

It's a serious problem, so please fix it quickly.

Also, please add ‘Korean’ to the support language.

There are a lot of Koreans using the Affinity series, also Korean is one of the few languages supported by apps such as Apple's Final Cut Pro.

I would really appreciate it if you could add Korean.



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It is a feature we get asked about, however to add support our text engine would need to be completely overhauled. This will require a large amount of development time and resources which isn't something we currently have available. Perhaps in the future but noe timeframe as to if/when this may happen, sorry. 

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  • 1 year later...
  • Staff

The issue "[iOS] Korean Text does not get input/combined correctly on iPadOS" (REF: AF-1268) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Affinity Info Bot to notify us.

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