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Publisher 2 Crashes - Resources in same folder


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I have the issue of Publisher 2 crashing when printing or exporting. 

The only way to resolve this is to have all the resources used on the project (images and logos) in the same folder.

I originally had various images to be used in different folders on my hard drive. 

This was the only resolve I could think of to fix and it worked.

Publisher 1 did not have this issue, I could use any resource from any folder on any drive.

I also wonder if P2 requires the source folders to be on the same drive!!


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Could you check your windows defender or other anti virus settings


Use controlled folder access

Controlled folder access in Windows Security reviews the apps that can make changes to files in protected folders and blocks unauthorized or unsafe apps from accessing or changing files in those folders.

  1. Select Start  > Settings  > Update & Security  > Windows Security > Virus & threat protection.

  2. Under Virus & threat protection settings, select Manage settings.

  3. Under Controlled folder access, select Manage Controlled folder access.

  4. Switch the Controlled folder access setting to On or Off.

Occasionally, an app that is safe to use will be identified as harmful. This happens because Microsoft wants to keep you safe and will sometimes err on the side of caution; however, this might interfere with how you normally use your PC. You can add an app to the list of safe or allowed apps to prevent them from being blocked.

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