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Freehand Selection Tool - Feather option disappeared (V. 2.0.3)

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when I use frequency separation, I work with freehand selection tool adjusting feather.

The option was always displayed on the top menu, but now, after updating Affinity Photo 2, the feather button disappear and I don´t know how to change it.

Please, could anyone advise?

Thank you! :)

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Yes, that's exactly it.

The field disappered. Wasn't there yesterday, not even today. I edited various times.

But suddenly, a moment ago, it appeared back there. So the problem is solved for me, but I'm not sure what solved it. :)

Anyway, thank you for looking into my trouble. :)

Edited by anetjursova
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Is it just the Feather field which disappeared or the whole Context Toolbar?
If it’s just the Feather field, are you sure you were using the Freehand Selection Tool every time?

There may be circumstances under which feathering is not sensible/possible but I don’t know what they might be.

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The shortcut keys for the tools can, unless you tell the software otherwise, switch between different tools in the same ‘group’.

For example, selecting the Freehand Selection Tool, then the Flood Select Tool and pressing L will take you to the Freehand Selection Tool and pressing L again will take you back to the Flood Select Tool, and so on.

It could be possible that you were switching to a different tool without realising it.

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