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Copy and Paste Mirror Image of Object

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I'm new to Affinity and I'm not that great at graphic design. I'm just doing very simple stuff.


I have made an object and I would like to copy it and past a mirror image - opposite to the original.


Nothing comes up in help topics. 


And is there a handbook of instructions, outside of the tutorials that I can reference?






Mirror Question.afdesign

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i don't have designer, so i did it in affinity photo: check if it's applicable.


alt-j to duplicate the group

menu: arrange=>flip horizontal


then i moved the new group to compose a sort of flower, but this is not part of the assignment... ;)

please check the attachment.

Mirror Question.afdesign

take care,


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Another way to create a copy of an object is to drag it using the move tool with the option (alt) key held down. I use this often because it spares me the step of moving the duplicate away from the original when I use the command J keyboard shortcut.


You can also assign a keyboard shortcut to any of the four Layer menu transform adjustments (as well as to just about anything else on that menu) in the keyboard shortcuts preference panel. The only downside to that is it is getting increasingly difficult to find unused key combinations to use for new shortcuts.


The staff have said that a user manual is in the works, but in the meantime don't overlook the built-in help system in addition to the video tutorials. There are even video tutorials about how to use them.


For Designer:


For Photo:

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