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clone/ virtual copy layers

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IMO for CG industry  any modern image editor should be capable  of:


 a. painting within several layers representing different material properties simultaneously


b.  composing "depth aware"  with a live real time mask encompassing pixels  having  higher  depth value  than ones  beneath 


c.  doing  "live" image wrap like Krita or Painter  for making repetitive textures.



What would allow to do so are a kind of "virtual copy"  or "clone" or whatever layers   inheriting their origin layer's transforms/scaling    whatever group or parent   or mask stack  they would be in.   


 For   point c.  those clones should have a  specified shift value .

 For point b.  a layer mask should have a special stack of "depth"  layers  inheriting their  origin's layer transforms  and not the parent one .



So in fact we need those clones with an option to be "chained" to each other even when inside different groups /stacks   and being able to have unique blending mode and filters.  


For the start would be nice Photo have those photoshop styled chains/links in between layers . The ones allowing to link layer transforms whatever place on the stack those layer would be nested in

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